Lambley Gardens & Nursery, 395 Lesters Road,  Ascot,  Victoria 3364
Phone +61 (03) 5343 4303,  Fax +61 (03) 5343 4257

David Glenn's Garden Notes

Garden Notes From 2016

Clematis are not difficult to grow provided a few simple measures are observed: Prepare the soil for these clematis by digging as deeply as possible a patch 60-80cm across and incorporating compost. Animal manures should not be used. A dusting of ground lime should be added if the soil isn’t alkaline. Plant each of these clematis 4cm deeper than it is in the pot. Read more about Clematis Pruning

I’ve just got back home from a month long visit to England and France to be greeted by snow, hail and freezing winds. And yet the garden is full of good things flowering their hearts out. Read more about Winter Flowers

A favourite garden tool of mine is a Dutch hoe that Dennis Norgate gave to me 25 years ago. Norgate used it for decades to keep his flower paddocks clean of weeds and goodness knows how many years the old Dutch gardener who passed it on to him had used it. My guess is that this tool has been constantly knocking weeds over for the best part of three quarters of a century. Read more about Buying good garden tools

I can’t say that I enjoy eating pumpkin but my wife, children and most of my grandchildren do so I generally grow a patch each year. In the past I’ve sown seed that Lambley imported from the USA. The advantage of this seed was its early maturity. Read more about Growing Pumpkins

I was recently asked by a fellow gardener whether the lettuce varieties that we sell at Lambley are F1 hybrids. The simple answer is no. There are no F1 lettuce varieties as far as I know and seed collected from these superb modern varieties will grow true to type. Read more about Buy Vegetable Seeds Online

Every week I pick a basket full of vegetables for our Ballarat children and grandchildren. Read more about A basket full of vegetables

I’m often asked by visitors to the garden why their poppy seed hasn’t germinated. Read more about How to plant poppies

Occasionally, very occasionally in gardening reality comes close to the dream. A flower border made up of a mixture of shrubs, perennials, bulbs, climbers and annuals growing together cheek by jowl is so beautiful that even I, the garden’s fiercest critic, am besotted by it. Read more about Self-sown flower seeds

I only started growing spider flowers, Cleome hassleriana, two or three years ago although on the rare times I’d seen them growing in other people’s gardens over the years I was always smitten. Read more about Spider Flowers
