Lambley Gardens & Nursery, 395 Lesters Road,  Ascot,  Victoria 3364
Phone +61 (03) 5343 4303,  Fax +61 (03) 5343 4257

David Glenn's Garden Notes

Garden Notes From 2017

Molly's Garden Salvia nemorosa

Lambley Nursery gets lots of questions from customers about cutting back plants to get the best out of them. It is hard to generalise as we treat different plants in different ways. Take Salvias for example. Read more about Cutting Back Salvias

Sweetpea 'Captain of the Blues'

Sweet Peas are traditionally sown on St Patrick’s Day, the 17th of March, although it’s fine to sow anytime from mid-March to mid-April. Later sowings can be made but you then risk the plants not growing as well as they might. Read more about SweetPeas On-line Australia

Sweetpea 'Black Knight'

Sweet Peas are traditionally sown on St Patrick’s Day, the 17th of March, although it’s fine to sow anytime from late February till June. Later sowings can be made, but you then risk the plants not growing as well as they might. Read more about Sweet Peas On-line Australia

Whilst we have always raised new and improved garden plants here at Lambley in the past most of our new releases were imported from Europe and the United States. We had our own quarantine facility and worked closely with the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service. Read more about Breeding New Plants at Lambley

Peonies with a Blue Vase Criss Canning

Dennis Norgate died last Monday the 2nd of October. With him a hundred and fifty years garden lineage also ends. Norgate’s mother worked for the well known English nurserymen, the Pritchard Brothers. They in turn had in their younger days worked for the famous French nurseryman Victor Lemoine who opened his nursery in Nancy in 1850. Read more about Vale Dennis Norgate

Whilst Lilium bulbs can be planted for much of the winter and early spring, by far the best time to do the job is May-June as this gives the bulbs time to make strong root growth before top growth commences. The bulbs we are offering have just been dug and are all top quality and of excellent size. Read more about Planting Lilium Bulbs

Geranium maderense ‘Guernsey White’

My son Ric, who is the head gardener on the Cadogan Estate in London, sent me this photograph of Geranium maderense ‘Guernsey White’ which he flowered for the first time yesterday. Read more about Geranium maderense ‘Guernsey White’

Sweetpea 'Black Knight'

Sweet Peas are traditionally sown on St Patrick’s Day, the 17th of March, although it’s fine to sow anytime from mid-March to mid-April. Later sowings can be made but you then risk the plants not growing as well as they might. Read more about Sweet Peas for Australia

Garden Notes From 2016

My father let me have my first garden bed when I was eight or nine years old some sixty five years ago. The bed, surrounded on three sides by a dry stone wall, measured 90cm by 180cm. I crammed as many plants as I could get my hands on into it including a Forsythia. Read more about Forsythia
