Turnip ‘Purple Top White Globe’ (Brassica rapa)

Purple Top Turnip

This is a selected superior strain of this traditional, Southern United States variety where it is widely grown. Producing smooth, round roots, avg. 75-100mm in diameter, which are white below the soil line and bright purple above. Large, lobed greens.



Packet of 200 seeds$4.50

SKU: LVS-176 Category:

When to sow: Early spring until February. Mid-spring in cold districts.
Where to sow: Direct
Depth to sow: 1/2cm
Aspect: Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil: Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add lime if soil is too acid.
Spacing: Between plants thin to 2-5cm for full size Between rows 30cm

Directions: Sow early spring through late summer in a 50mm wide band, seeds 25mm apart for small turnips or 50mm apart for larger turnips. Sow 6mm- 12mm deep in rows 30cm apart.

Seed Packet Size

Packet of 200 seeds

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Orders containing plants or bulbs are $15.00 flat rate regardless of quantity. Any combination of other items with plants and bulbs are included.

Seed and card orders under $35.00 are $5.50 flat rate. Seed and card orders over $35.00 qualify for free shipping.

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