Excellent and bred for baby leaf production it can be sown the year round and is especially useful for Italian style autumn and winter vegetable dishes, but also for summer salads. Read more about Baby Leaf Kale, ‘Onyx’ (Brassica oleracea)
‘Ruby Lips’ is a red leaved beet for baby leaf production. It can be sown the year round and is especially useful for giving brilliant glossy red leaves in winter.
‘True Blood’ is another red leaved beet for baby leaf production. It too can be sown the year round and is especially useful for giving brilliant glossy red leaves in winter. It boasts of a truer darker red colour in the leaves. Read more about Baby Leaf, Beetroot ‘True Blood’ (Beta vulgaris)
An uncommon perennial herb/vegetable which will give salads a tangy lemon flavour. It can be cooked like spinach, made into a creamy fish sauce or a sorrel soup. Use young leaves only. Direct sow 1/2cm deep 12 seeds per 30cm and thin to 30cm apart using thinning as baby leaf. Read more about Baby Leaf, Sorrel, French Red Veined (Rumex sanguineus)
We apologise that this plant is currently sold out.
Slow-growing summer variety that resists bolting. A babyleaf spinach with a dark green, glossy and lightly savoyed leaf. Slow maturing variety so picks over a long period as babyleaf and suitable for warm weather. Read more about Baby Leaf, Spinach ‘Acadia’ F1 (Spinacia oleracea)
We apologise that this plant is currently sold out.
Black Glove is best sown from early April until early September to give excellent crops during the cooler months. If sown during hot periods it is likely to bolt. It is equally suitable for baby leaf and full size bunching spinach. Read more about Baby Leaf, Spinach ‘Black Glove’ F1 (Spinacia oleracea)
‘Gold Fields’ is a selection of Genovese basil, the one used for pesto, that is more tolerant of cold weather than traditional varieties. A strong plant with dark green leaves it has all the flavour of older types but can be sown a month or two earlier. Read more about Basil 'Goldfields Early Wonder'
This variety is sweeter and has less of a clove-like flavour than normal basil. I find it a much pleasanter basil to use in pesto and tomato salads. Read more about Basil Italian Large Leaf
This is the traditional variety which can produce up to 5 beans to each pod. Our strain has been rigorously selected to give long pods well filled with beans.
Smaller growing and earlier cropping than ‘Aquadulce’. Our strain is rigorously reselected to give long pods often holding 5 beans per pod. Although dwarfer growing than ‘Aquadulce’ this variety will still need staking.
An excellent new bean with great vigour and disease resistance including resistance to summer death. Flavour is very good and this variety will produce beans over a long period.
Good looking, great flavour, excellent disease resistance and vigour. Beans are held well off the ground. Massive concentrated crop. Sow from September in warm districts, October in cold districts. Can be sown up until the end of January.
A brand new improved replacement for Rex with the long picking period from dark glossy green pods. Jackson handles hot and wet conditions better than its competitors. Improved disease package including resistance to summer death. Jackson has a superb flavour.
A round dark green bush bean with terrific flavour. It is a heavy cropper and has good disease resistance. Its heavy frame keeps the beans straight and clean as they are held well off the soil. It takes about 50 days to harvest from seed planting. Read more about Bean, Bush ‘Simba’ (Phaseolus vulgaris)
True Baby Bean Refined delicious pods are mid to dark green in colour and are mature at 11-12 cm long. Beautiful to look at and better to eat. Summer death resistant.
Kentucky Blue is a professional standard bean which freely produces 20cm long, round, stringless beans which have a fantastic flavour. If allowed to get over mature they will have a slight string. It has an outstanding yield.
Scarlet Emperor is a superb improved selection of Scarlet Runner producing long and very flavoursome pods from red flowers. Plant 5 beans to a 4 pole tepee or 12 cm apart on a trellis. It produces best in southern Australia.
An industry leader Zeppo is beautfully bred for smooth skin, round and clean shape and a very fine taproot. Zeppo also is easier to thin as each capsule contains less embryos so the seedlings are less congested. Read more about Beetroot ‘Zeppo’ F1 (Beta vulgaris)
Sold as rapini or broccoletti in greengrocers. ‘Spring Raab’ makes dozens of small heads as long as it is picked every couple of days or so. Tasting a bit sharper than the usual broccoli it is an important part of southern Italy’s cuisine. Read more about Broccoli Rapini ‘Spring Raab’ (Brassica oleracea)