Salvia nemorosa ‘Sensation Blue’

Sensation Blue Sage

Salvia nemorosa is one of the best flowering perennials for a spring, summer and autumn display of flowers proudly held above grey-green, sage scented foliage. ‘Sensation Blue’ is a tidy selection with spikes of purple-blue flowers from late October until early January. If cut back hard in early January it will rebloom during late summer and autumn. Happy in any sunny spot but it is happier for an occasional summer watering. 30 to 40cm tall by as much across.


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SKU: LP-0413 Category:

Salvia nemorosa is one of the best flowering perennials for a spring, summer and autumn display of flowers proudly held above grey-green, sage scented foliage. ‘Sensation Blue’ is a tidy selection with spikes of purple-blue flowers from late October until early January. If cut back hard in early January it will rebloom during late summer and autumn. Happy in any sunny spot but it is happier for an occasional summer watering. 30 to 40cm tall by as much across.

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