Salvia horminum Mixed

It’s the bracts which makes this annual Salvia so showy. Easily grown and vigorous it will soon make a 50cm tall by 40cm wide plant covered in blue, pink and white flowers during summer and autumn. Sow seeds in situ or in pots during spring and plant out when big enough. Good as a cut flower both fresh and dried.
When to sow: August to NovemberWhere to sow: Direct sow into prepared garden bedDepth to sow: 5mmAspect:  Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.Soil:  Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil.Spacing: 30-40cm between plants   Directions:  Grown for its colourful flower bracts this sage has been a favourite of gardeners for centuries.


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SKU: LFS-141 Category:

It’s the bracts which makes this annual Salvia so showy. Easily grown and vigorous it will soon make a 50cm tall by 40cm wide plant covered in blue, pink and white flowers during summer and autumn. Sow seeds in situ or in pots during spring and plant out when big enough. Good as a cut flower both fresh and dried.
When to sow: August to NovemberWhere to sow: Direct sow into prepared garden bedDepth to sow: 5mmAspect:  Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.Soil:  Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil.Spacing: 30-40cm between plants   Directions:  Grown for its colourful flower bracts this sage has been a favourite of gardeners for centuries.

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Orders containing plants or bulbs are $15.00 flat rate regardless of quantity. Any combination of other items with plants and bulbs are included.

Seed and card orders under $35.00 are $5.50 flat rate. Seed and card orders over $35.00 qualify for free shipping.

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