Moonlight wan, creamy flowers, the closest to white of any nasturtium, make a delightful contrast to deeper coloured varieties. A compact grower making 30cm tall by 50cm wide. Sow seeds in spring for a long summer and autumn display.
When to sow: Early to mid spring
Where to sow: In mild districts sow in situ in early spring. In cold districts sow after frost or in pots under cover in early spring and plant seedlings after frost.
Depth to sow: 1-2cm
Aspect: Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil: Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil.
Spacing: Between plants: 50-60cm
Directions: In frost prone areas plant seed in 10cm pots in early October and plant the seedlings out into their final position in mid-November when the danger of frosts is over. If you don’t get late frosts just plant the seed in situ in September.