When to sow: July until February best, but can be sown all year round
Where to sow: Direct or into seed tray, if direct, transplant/thin later to give more room
Depth to sow:1/2cm
Aspect: Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil: Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add lime if soil is too acid.
Spacing: Between plants 15cm, Between rows 50-60cm
Directions: Either sow into seed trays 6-8 weeks before last frost, or direct sow into drills during October and early November. Transplant into final position when seedlings are as thick as a pencil. Make a hole 15cm deep and drop the seedling into it. Water in but don’t press the soil down.
Seed May be Treated with Fungicide. Wash hands after use and do not consume seed.