We’re asked daily about the name of this plant in the garden where it makes an upright shrub to 2.5 metres. It’s smaller growing when constrained by a pot so it is suited to pots as well as small gardens. These will grow 2.5 metres tall by as much across in the garden but half that height if grown in pots. Regular dead heading will keep them in flower for many summer months. Best grown in a sunny or lightly shaded spot. Buddlejas are superbly drought-hardy. We cut ours back by mid-winter to at least half.
Buddleja ‘Ascot Velvet’
We’re asked daily about the name of this plant in the garden where it makes an upright shrub to 2.5 metres. It’s smaller growing when constrained by a pot so it is suited to pots as well as small gardens. These will grow 2.5 metres tall by as much across in the garden but half that height if grown in pots. Regular dead heading will keep them in flower for many summer months. Best grown in a sunny or lightly shaded spot. Buddlejas are superbly drought-hardy. We cut ours back by mid-winter to at least half.
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Orders containing plants or bulbs are $15.00 flat rate regardless of quantity. Any combination of other items with plants and bulbs are included.
Seed and card orders under $35.00 are $5.50 flat rate. Seed and card orders over $35.00 qualify for free shipping.