Beetroot ‘Zeppo’ F1 (Beta vulgaris)

An industry leader Zeppo is beautfully bred for smooth skin, round and clean shape and a very fine taproot. Zeppo also is easier to thin as each capsule contains less embryos so the seedlings are less congested. Excellent as a very sweet baby beet, but also absolutely superb at cricket ball size simply boiled and simmered and served as a hot vegetable. Twenty minutes for baby beets; up to ninety for cricket ball size.


Packet of 100 seeds$5.50

SKU: LVS-031 Category:

An industry leader Zeppo is beautfully bred for smooth skin, round and clean shape and a very fine taproot. Zeppo also is easier to thin as each capsule contains less embryos so the seedlings are less congested. Excellent as a very sweet baby beet, but also absolutely superb at cricket ball size simply boiled and simmered and served as a hot vegetable. Twenty minutes for baby beets; up to ninety for cricket ball size.

When to sow: August until early March
Where to sow: Direct sow in a garden seed bed
Depth to sow: 1cm
Aspect:  Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil:  Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add   lime if soil is too acid.
Spacing:  Between plants 10cm, between rows   30cm

Directions: It’s always best to sow beetroot seed straight into its permanent position in a prepared garden bed. Plant the seed about 1 cm apart and 1 cm deep and cover with fine soil. Thin to 10cm apart. If seed is planted sparingly there is really no reason to thin the seedlings out. I start pulling roots when they are quite small, 2cm in diameter, and this is all the thinning needed.

Seed Packet Size

Packet of 100 seeds

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