Bean, Broad ‘Aquadulce’ (Faba sativa)

This is the traditional variety which can produce up to 5 beans to each pod. Our strain has been rigorously selected to give long pods well filled with beans.


Packet of 50 seeds$4.50

SKU: LVS-020 Category:

This is the traditional variety which can produce up to 5 beans to each pod. Our strain has been rigorously selected to give long pods well filled with beans.

When to sow: July and August (earlier in mild climates)
Where to sow: Direct into the garden
Depth to sow: 3cm
Aspect:  Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil:  Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add lime if soil is too acid.
Spacing:  Between plants 10-15 cm, Between rows 60 to 90 cm apart

Directions: Broad beans are cool season crops best planted in southern Australia in July and August. Both frosty and hot weather inhibits pod set. All broad bean varieties need staking.

Seed Packet Size

Packet of 50 seeds

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Orders containing plants or bulbs are $15.00 flat rate regardless of quantity. Any combination of other items with plants and bulbs are included.

Seed and card orders under $35.00 are $5.50 flat rate. Seed and card orders over $35.00 qualify for free shipping.

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