Baby Leaf Kale, Cavalo Nero or Toscano (Brassica oleracea)

Baby leaf kale has all the health benefits, is quick to crop and makes a delicious addition to salads as well  as a cooked vegetable.
When to sow: Year round for baby leafWhere to sow: Sow in a drill in a prepared garden bedFor baby leaf sow thinly in a 10cm wide   band 10 seeds per 5cmDepth to sow: 1/2cmAspect: Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.Soil:  Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add   lime if soil is too acid.Spacing: Between plants 30cm to 45cm for full size 10cm wide band 10 seeds per 5cm for   baby leaf
Directions: Pick bunches of individual leaves from full size plants from autumn onwards. Cut baby leaf as required.


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SKU: LVS-008 Category:

Baby leaf kale has all the health benefits, is quick to crop and makes a delicious addition to salads as well  as a cooked vegetable.
When to sow: Year round for baby leafWhere to sow: Sow in a drill in a prepared garden bedFor baby leaf sow thinly in a 10cm wide   band 10 seeds per 5cmDepth to sow: 1/2cmAspect: Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.Soil:  Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add   lime if soil is too acid.Spacing: Between plants 30cm to 45cm for full size 10cm wide band 10 seeds per 5cm for   baby leaf
Directions: Pick bunches of individual leaves from full size plants from autumn onwards. Cut baby leaf as required.

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Orders containing plants or bulbs are $15.00 flat rate regardless of quantity. Any combination of other items with plants and bulbs are included.

Seed and card orders under $35.00 are $5.50 flat rate. Seed and card orders over $35.00 qualify for free shipping.