Lambley Gardens & Nursery, 395 Lesters Road,  Ascot,  Victoria 3364
Phone +61 (03) 5343 4303,  Fax +61 (03) 5343 4257

Salvia x sylvestris ‘Lye End’

Salvia x sylvestris ‘Lye End’

Jeremy Francis, who with his wife Valerie, gardens at Cloude Hill in the Dandenongs, imported this variety about 25 years ago. It was raised by the English gardener, Miss Poole, and named for her garden, Lye End. Taller than most of its kind at 120 cm it carries long spikes of ghostly lavender blue flowers from spring into the summer and beyond if dead headed. Happy in any sunny well drained spot it needs very little water.120cm x 90cm.

This plant is not in our current range and is provided here for customer information only.