Lambley Gardens & Nursery, 395 Lesters Road,  Ascot,  Victoria 3364
Phone +61 (03) 5343 4303

Phlomis ‘Edward Bowles’

Phlomis ‘Edward Bowles’

Edward Bowles Jerusalem Sage

A fine new hybrid Phlomis, a cross between P. fruticosa and P. russelliana, which combines the best properties of both its parents making a low evergreen, handsome foliaged shrub which carries metre tall leafy flowering stems carrying whorls of yellow clawed flowers in a candelabra like effect. A stand-out selection from the Genus selected for form and structure. If you haven't grown Phlomis before this is an excellent selection with which to begin your collection. Tough drought tolerant sun lover. 120cm tall by 100cm wide.



This plant is not in our current range and is provided here for customer information only.