Lambley Gardens & Nursery, 395 Lesters Road,  Ascot,  Victoria 3364
Phone +61 (03) 5343 4303

Baby Leaf, Spinach ‘Portsea’ F1 (Spinacia oleracea)

Baby Leaf, Spinach ‘Portsea’ F1 (Spinacia oleracea)

Cool season baby leaf spinach

Portsea has thick, dark green, slightly cupped leaf and high yielding. Adaptable to difficult conditions with good disease resistance Portsea is slow to bolt making it good to harvest at a full size. Cool season a cool season variety, performing best in autumn and late spring (Vic) and cooler seasons in Qld babyleaf/bunching variety, mid-late maturity. Very good uniformity, Semi-erect habit.




When to sow: Early October until the end of March
Where to sow: Sow in a well prepared garden bed
Depth to sow: 5mm
Aspect:  Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil:  Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add lime if soil is too acid.
Spacing: Between plants: Use thinnings as baby leaf; Between rows: 30-40cm      


Directions:  Plant seed direct in drills in the garden.

Packet 500 seeds
$5.50 each