Lancaster can be sown from July until February. Can be sown in seed trays or in outside seed beds. When the seedlings are as thick as a pencil they can be planted into their permanent position by dibbling a hole 15cm deep and dropping the seedling into it. A few centimetres of leaves need to extend above the soil surface. Don’t firm the soil but water the seedling in.
When to sow: July until February.
Where to sow: Direct into seed bed for transplanting.
Depth to sow: 1/2cm
Aspect: Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil: Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add lime if soil is too acid.
Spacing: Between plants 15cm; Between rows 50-60cm.
Directions: Direct sow into drills during October and early November. Transplant when seedlings are as thick as a pencil. Make a hole 15cm deep with a dibbler and drop the seedling into it. Water in but don’t press the soil down.