Scarlet Emperor is a superb improved selection of Scarlet Runner producing long and very flavoursome pods from red flowers. Plant 5 beans to a 4 pole tepee or 12 cm apart on a trellis. It produces best in southern Australia.
When to sow: mid-October to December
Where to sow: Direct on 180cm tall trellis, a four pole tepee or a single pole
Depth to sow: 2.5cm
Aspect: Full sun or as sunny a spot as possible.
Soil: Prepared, well drained, fertilised soil. Add lime if soil is too acid.
Spacing: Between plants 12 cm
Directions: Grow climbing beans on a 180cm or more tall trellis, a four-pole tepee or on a single pole. Plant 5 beans to a 4 pole tepee or 12cm apart on a trellis. Plant the seed 2.5cm deep after the danger of frost is over. Pick beans every two days or so to prolong the harvest.