Lambley Gardens & Nursery, 395 Lesters Road,  Ascot,  Victoria 3364
Phone +61 (03) 5343 4303,  Fax +61 (03) 5343 4257

Salvia ‘Royal Bumble’

Salvia ‘Royal Bumble’

Royal Bumble Sage Shrub

Royal Bumble has proven to be one of our most popular and enduring new releases in recent years. We imported it from Europe through all the expense and rigour of Australian Quarantine and it has been well worthwhile. This plant has proven to be tremendously popular and with good cause. The glowing red velvet flowers with dark almost black calyces are displayed on long stems held well above the foliage. Sun loving and drought tolerant. Frost hardy to minus 4C. Prune with shears by a third in winter. 80 cm x 60 cm.



