Lambley Gardens & Nursery, 395 Lesters Road,  Ascot,  Victoria 3364
Phone +61 (03) 5343 4303,  Fax +61 (03) 5343 4257

The True Arums

The true Arums are a race of great beauty and with one exception are unlikely to ever become a problem in the garden. The genus suffers from being confused with Zantedesia aethiopica, the big white, often weedy lily wrongly called by florists and gardeners alike as the Arum Lily.

Arum dioscoridis Spotty ArumThe true Arums are natives of North Africa, Mediterranean Europe, Turkey and the Middle East. We grow them all here at Lambley in beds that are allowed to become fairly dry during summer but this isn’t altogether a necessity as they are quite comfortable in any well drained spot in full sun or light shade. Winter and spring flowering, and summer dormant, they lend themselves well to planting amongst later flowering perennials.

Arum pictumA minority have an unpleasant odour but the majority are pleasantly scented or have no smell at all.


A number make long lasting, exciting cut flowers. No garden should be without these wonders of the plant world.


Arum concinatum Arum palaestinum
Arum concinatum Arum creticum Arum palaestinum